Join the 2018 NM-Sport Introductory Series as an Individual or a Group* Recordings may be viewed at your convenience.
Session 1 – Brain Basics: Structure, Processing Sensory Input & the Roots of Rhythm
Session 2 – Understanding the Power in Stress: The Stress Response, Resilience, Focus and Flow
Session 3 – Neurosociology: The Neuroscience of "Team" - Connecting and Competing
Session 4 – State-dependent Functioning: Keeping Fear from Destroying Performance
Session 5 – Understanding the Power Differential: Creating a Sense of Safety & Other Powers of Leadership
Session 6 - Q&A
Note: No pre-requisite courses are needed to attend.
*A Group is defined as 25 participants assembled in a single space.
IMPORTANT - The slides that Dr. Perry references in this series are only available to participants enrolled in our NME Trainer's Program or our NMT Phase I/Phase II Individual Training Certification.
After making this purchase, please allow 24 - 48 hours for processing. The named (or lead) participant will receive an email with steps needed to access the course. A paid invoice will be emailed separately.
NOTE - We do not offer CEUs for our online courses.
2018 NM-Sport Introductory Series
Each individual subscriber will receive access to the recordings in this series via an online account. All sessions must be purchased as a set.
The organization will identify a Moderator to convene a group (of up to 25 participants) into a single space for each session, logging in from a single computer which may be displayed using an LCD projector. Moderators will access the case abstract and metric to distribute via email for each session. All sessions must be purchased in a group.
By purchasing this subscription, I affirm that all of the participants (whether it be an individual or a group) will be reminded that the content discussed and distributed is confidential and is only provided as part of this case-based training experience. All communications should be viewed as “Privileged Communication” unless otherwise specified. I also understand that content provided about the NMT Clinical Practice Tools, Report and Functional Brain Map are subject to Copyright and may not be copied, adapted, redistributed or distributed beyond their immediate clinical team or used in any way without specific, written permission by The Neurosequential Network. I understand that the sessions will be recorded and distributed by The Neurosequential Network for educational purposes. The purchase of this subscription acknowledges this understanding and indicates that all participants accept the conditions as described herein.