NM-Sport is an outgrowth of the success of the Neurosequential Model in Education (NME) and built upon the core concepts found in the Neurosequential Model* itself. The NM-Sport is not a specific “program” or “intervention.” It includes a “capacity-building” process that provides an introduction to important concepts related to engagement and performance in sport by focusing on how the brain works, develops, changes and is impacted by developmental adversity including trauma.
In application, NM-Sport can inform effectiveness in coaching, performing, training and a host of key skills needed for success in sport. The NM-Sport initiative explores these intersecting concepts. The goal is to integrate sport into the healthy therapeutic web of children, youth and families and to help individuals and programs involved in sport improve their effectiveness in providing healthy developmental experiences and improved performance.
The Neurosequential Network has created two NM-Sport training experiences:
An Introduction to NM-Sport course and Phase I NM-Sport Training Certification. Read about both below.
Option 1: The Introduction to NM-Sport
This is a 6-session training series that presents the set of core concepts related to brain organization, the stress response and neuroplasticity (how the brain changes) applied to the coaching, training and performance context. This basic overview provides immediate practical applications as well as the necessary background required to benefit fully from future, more in-depth training opportunities that focus on the advanced applications of the NM-Sport. Participants may view recordings at their convenience.
Sessions and Topics
Session 1 - Brain Basics: Structure, Processing Sensory Input & the Roots of Rhythm
Session 2 - Understanding the Power in Stress: The Stress Response, Resilience, Focus and Flow
Session 3 - Neurosociology: The Neuroscience of "Team" - Connecting and Competing
Session 4 - State-dependent Functioning: Keeping Fear from Destroying Performance
Session 5 - Understanding the Power Differential: Creating a Sense of Safety & Other Powers of Leadership
Session 6 - Q&A
Enroll in the Intro to NM-Sport Here
Option 2: NM-Sport Phase I Training Certification
This is a 100 + hour, 10 module training experience led by Dr. Bruce Perry, Megan Bartlett and NM-Sport Mentors from The Center for Healing and Justice through Sport (CHJS). Sessions allow participants to review assigned course materials and explore implementation of strategies into sport practices and competition. The guided book studies allow for additional exposure and contemplation.
NM-Sport Training Certification is typically accomplished over the course of one year, requires no travel (is all online) and participants become "master coaches" who are then able to support other coaches in the implementation of key coaching strategies. Participating means access to a cohort of creative, dedicated sports practitioners. Cost to participate: $4000 USD.
Review course overview here.
Enroll in the NM-Sport Phase I Training Certification here
* The “parent” model for the NM-Sport is the Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT), an evidence-based practice (EPB) that is both “trauma-informed” and developmentally sensitive. The case-based teaching model has been useful for helping clinicians, educators and caregivers better understand the neurodevelopmental principles involved in many of the struggles, as well as strengths, they see in the children they serve. All NM trainings provide an opportunity for ongoing capacity building within an institution or for individuals.